Faculty Association Negotiations at an Impasse

Bargaining Updates 2010

Joint Communication from the University of British Columbia and the UBC Faculty Association

Following nineteen days of negotiations which began in February of this year, the University and the Faculty Association have reached an impasse in negotiations for a new collective agreement.

The Framework Agreement between the parties does not permit strikes or lockouts and provides that, if agreement has not been reached within 6 weeks of receipt by the University of official notification of the operating grant allocated to it (or another date agreed to by the Parties), the matters in dispute shall be submitted to interest arbitration for resolution.

The University received the “budget letter” from the government on Friday, June 18th. Both the University and the Association regret that we have been unable to sufficiently bridge the gap between what each side was trying to accomplish in collective bargaining to negotiate a new agreement without referral to arbitration.

Both the University and the Faculty Association will continue to keep the lines of communication open, even as we turn our respective attentions to preparing for the arbitration process. Meanwhile, the terms and conditions of the expiring collective agreement remain in full force and effect until a new agreement is in place. However, progress through the ranks payments (i.e., career progress, merit and PSA) will not be paid until a new agreement is in place.

“David Farrar”
Dr. David Farrar
Provost and Vice President Academic

“Doug Owram”
Dr. Doug Owram
Deputy Vice Chancellor & Principal

“Nancy Langton”
Dr. Nancy Langton
Chair, UBC Faculty Association
Bargaining Preparation Committee