The hiring process at UBC is bound by Policy HR11, which stipulates that except in extraordinary situations all UBC positions are filled only after an open competition and review by a formally constituted hiring body.
Tenure-Track Initial Appointment
If you are being recruited to UBC, we can help you understand your options.
Your starting salary is negotiated between you and your Department Head when you are offered an appointment. For professorial positions the University has neither salary scales nor minimum scales. To negotiate effectively you should know average salaries for your rank, faculty and years of experience at this and comparable institutions. (The Faculty Association may be able to provide information about average salaries at UBC.) When negotiating your starting salary, don’t forget to consider whether you need start-up funds, and if you have special requirements or requests (delayed start, lab-space, special equipment, reduced teaching, and/or acknowledgement of special conditions applying to your position, such as for professional work). Also, feel free to contact us with any questions you have about benefits. Many of the terms in an offer letter may be negotiated.
Your offer letter may resemble samples available at this link. Many of the terms in an offer letter may be negotiated.
New faculty who are negotiating their salary can find advice in the CAUT Handbook for New Faculty, Negotiating Starting Salaries available here. CAUT is the Canadian Association of University Teachers and UBCFA is a member.
Tenure-Track Reappointment
Your initial appointment at UBC will be for three years (or four years if you are hired as an Assistant Professor), after which time you will go through the reappointment process. It is similar to the promotion and tenure process, but the review goes directly from the Faculty to the President, not through the Senior Appointments Committee. The reappointment process is thorough but fairly routine and typically takes place without the need for significant intervention unless serious concerns arise. The reappointment process can alert you to areas to work on in anticipation of your promotion and tenure review.
For more information on the Promotion and Tenure process, follow this link.
If you have any concerns about the content of your reappointment letters, or if the dean recommends against reappointment, contact us.