University’s Rollover Proposal

Bargaining Updates 2010

Before the University tabled its proposal with the Faculty Association, they suggested that the Association consider a two-year “rollover agreement” which would write in the 0/0% salary increases recommended by the province for the public sector but not otherwise discuss or negotiate any revisions or new language for our Collective Agreement. In the University’s words, “A rollover agreement would allow the University to initiate the process of increasing faculty salaries through career progress, merit and PSA increases effective July 1st, 2010, which otherwise will have to await the result of negotiations. Any other issues the parties had planned to address in these negotiations – and there are many of these on both sides – could be dealt with through discussions over the next two years. The Faculty Association has not responded to the University’s rollover proposal (we expect a response before our next meeting).”

Our members might like to know that there is nothing in the collective bargaining process that prevents the University and the Association from coming to an agreement, even while bargaining continues, to have the career progress, merit and PSA increases be implemented on July 1st, 2010, as these are ongoing components of the career progress plan and traditionally do not change from agreement to agreement.