Bargaining 2019 Preparation

Bargaining Updates 2019

Dear colleagues,

The Faculty Association is preparing to go to the table to negotiate our 2019 Collective Agreement, and we need to know what matters most to you. We can take to the table not only proposals on salaries and benefits but also on working conditions, terms of appointment/promotion/tenure, grievance and discipline procedures, equity issues, collegial processes: anything that affects your terms and conditions of work at UBC. We will be sending a bargaining survey to you in the coming weeks; we are also meeting with constituencies on both campuses to hear your hopes, frustrations, and issues. If you would like to meet with colleagues from the FA bargaining preparation committee, please contact us at [email protected] or by calling 604-822-3883 and we’ll find a time to sit down with you. Feel free to send along your written ideas as well. The more we hear from you, the better.


Elizabeth Hodgson, Ph.D., Professor
Chair, UBCFA Bargaining Preparation Committee
Associate Head, Undergraduate
Department of English Language & Literatures