Link to October 1 Notice to Members from Mark Mac Lean, UBCFA President. Link to response from the Board of Governors to UBCFA letter dated 21 September 2015.
Link to response from the Board of Governors to UBCFA letter dated 21 September 2015.
Link to October 1 Notice to Members from Mark Mac Lean, UBCFA President. Link to response from the Board of Governors to UBCFA letter dated 21 September 2015.
Link to response from the Board of Governors to UBCFA letter dated 21 September 2015.
Vancouver Campus
112-1924 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
T 604 822 3883
Okanagan Campus
Arts 353B 3333 University Way, Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
T 604 822 3883