UBCFA Fall General Meeting, Tues., Oct. 30

Join us for a discussion on preparations for Bargaining in 2019 presented by Dr. Elizabeth Hodgson, Chair of the UBCFA Bargaining Committee

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 30th starting at 1:00 p.m.


  • Robert H. Lee Family Boardroom, Alumni Centre

    (6163 University Blvd)

  • UBC Okanagan (Video Conference) – Sci 331

The UBCFA Constitution requires that a general meeting be held every Fall term. The first order of business will be to appoint Hedden Chong LLP as auditors for the 2018 fiscal year. Prior to the discussion on Bargaining for 2019, a presentation regarding updates to the UBCFA Constitution & Bylaws will be made.

The changes to the Constitution and Bylaws were driven by a legislative change to the Society Act, now called the Societies Act, SBC 2015, c. 18 (the “Act”) that came into force on November 28, 2016. The Faculty Association must transition to the new Act no later than November 28, 2018. The Faculty Association has therefore updated our Constitution and  Bylaws to ensure we are in compliance with the new requirements under the Act.

The Executive Committee is therefore providing notice of motion to the membership regarding the following resolutions:

  • To adopt a motion to become a member-funded society;
  • to adopt the new bylaws;
  • to complete the transition process; and
  • to amend the Constitution.

The motions and supporting documentation are available on our website via this link or at www.facultyassociation.ubc.ca. The membership will be asked to vote by electronic ballot commencing on November 1, 2018

We hope you can join us!