Statement from the UBCFA Executive

The Executive Committee of the UBC Faculty Association stands in solidarity with the people of Iran, both at home and abroad, in their fight against gender-based violence, and for equality, democracy and human rights. State-sanctioned discrimination, and the violent and repressive forces that enact these policies, have no place in this world. We support the rights of Iranian women, and all Iranians, to choose what to wear, to express their thoughts and beliefs freely and to uphold their human rights without fear of arrest, sanction or violence.

On October 5, 2022 the University of Toronto announced a bursary program for Iranian students studying at that institution and a promise to match every dollar donated to the Scholars at Risk Program up to $1 million. The Faculty Association Executive calls upon UBC to provide Iranian students equal consideration and financial support. We also urge UBC to assist our colleagues, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers fleeing the devastating impacts of the Iranian crisis by encouraging the Federal Government to initiate a Tri-Council funding pool to support the establishment of educational and employment opportunities at Canadian Universities. Many faculty at UBC participated in a similar initiative aimed at scholars from Ukraine and our community has been enriched in untold ways by this opportunity.

As a Union, and as academics, we condemn the systemic violations of the rights of women that led to and followed the killing of Mahsa Amini. The events unfolding in Iran are evidence of the continuing need to protect and uphold the principles of equality, dignity and self-determination and to support all those risking their lives in the pursuit.

Dory Nason,
On behalf of the Executive Committee