Join the UBCFA Member Services & Grievance Committee


The UBC Faculty Association is seeking members from the Okanagan Campus to participate on our Member Services & Grievance Committee (MSGC). Composed of faculty members of all ranks and units, the MSGC is not a steward’s Committee in the traditional sense but a mechanism for working closely with Association staff to provide advice and support on issues involving our membership. Their mandate is to oversee the processing and resolution of complaints and grievances, and recommend for or against arbitration proceedings.

UBCFA members who are approved as volunteers by the UBCFA Executive Committee will receive training and orientation at the beginning of their renewable one-year term. The Committee meets once per month during the Fall and Winter terms.

If you are interested in applying for a volunteer role on this Committee, or if you would like to learn more, please contact us at email: [email protected] or call us at 604-822-3883.