Indigenous & Diverse Forms of Scholarly Activity Survey

Dear Colleagues,

Firstly, we want to thank you all for participating in our consultation sessions for the Joint Committee on Indigenous and Diverse forms of scholarly activity in the fall of 2021. The committee is in its final stages of developing recommendations but we wanted to take some time for your comments on the framework for such work.

We developed a framework for our work moving forward that directly addresses the mandate on bargaining around scholarly activity, followed by two areas that branch out from the committee’s mandate: themes emerging around Merit/Tenure/Promotion processes and Supporting faculty engaged in Indigenous/diverse forms of scholarly activity.

We humbly ask that you might find the time to review the framework in these key areas:

  1. Do you think the framework will produce recommendations needed for bargaining?
  2. Does the framework reflect your contributions or is there something missing from our consultations sessions you want to see addressed?
  3. Do you have any thoughts on the definitions of Indigenous and diverse forms of scholarly activity provided?

You may offer your feedback by completing a survey of the above questions at this link:, Password: ijCC15

We would appreciate feedback on any or all questions by Tuesday, April 19th so that we may convene our next meeting with your input in mind.


Dory Nason & Jan Hare
Co-chairs of the Joint Consultation Committee on Indigenous and Diverse Forms of Scholarly Activity