2018 First Year Educators’ Symposium

Saturday, January 20

For faculty and staff who are passionate about and interested in teaching and student engagement in relation to the first-year experience (FYE) at UBC – Registration Closes Friday, January 12

Featured Speaker (Morning Plenary Session): 
Todd Zakrajsek, University of North Carolina

For further details and updates, visit the Symposium web page.

Building on the success and momentum of The First Year Experience Science Symposium in 2016, we are pleased to invite you to attend UBC’s inaugural campus-wide First Year Educators’ Symposium.

The Symposium provides opportunities to network, share research and resources on the instruction, tutoring, advising and coaching of first year students. The event is offered to faculty and staff at no cost. A light lunch will be provided.

Date: Saturday, January 20, 2018
Location: Irving K Barber Learning Centre
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Registration Closes January 12, 2018 (Required)


Call for Proposals – NOW CLOSED

To draw on the wealth of knowledge on the FYE across campus, the Symposium is organized under three broad themes, and three formats through which we are calling for proposals.

The Three Themes:

  • Teaching Strategies and Curriculum Design
  • Engaging the whole student
  • Staff – Faculty collaboration

The Three Formats:

  • Presentation (10 minutes)
  • Roundtable Discussion (25 minutes)
  • Workshop (50 minutes)

Attendees are invited to submit a program proposal along with their registration. Proposals are due by December 14, 2017.