UBC Okanagan Contract Faculty – You’re invited to Lunch (RSVP)
Join your UBC Okanagan Contract Faculty colleagues for lunch and discuss the issues affecting Contract Faculty at the Okanagan Campus and campuses across the country:
Date: Monday, October 23
Time: 12 Noon to 2 p.m.
Location: UNC 200, 2nd Floor, University Centre
PLEASE RSVP TO THE UBC FACULTY ASSOCIATION ([email protected]) by end of day Tuesday, October 17 and help us plan a successful event.
What is Fair Employment Week?
Every year, campuses across Canada dedicate a week in October to raising awareness of the issues and working conditions faced by Contract (Sessional) Faculty. This event is organized nationally by the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and locally by the UBC Faculty Association.
During this week, UBCFA’s Contract Faculty Committee and UBCFA President, Nancy Langton, will be sending Professor Ono a letter detailing the issues facing Contract Faculty on campuses across the country. We’ll also have some postcards for you to send as well, helping to bring the issues front and centre. And, make a note of Tuesday, Oct. 24 – it’s “Sign the Pledge” Day! Support those who stand for the fair treatment of all academic staff regardless of employment status – sign the pledge here.
Fair Employment Week is a cross-Canada event and we hope Contract Faculty at our Okanagan Campus will join in.