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UBCFA UBC Collective Agreement Ratified – a great way to start the Fall term
We are pleased to announce that the Collective Agreement between the UBCFA and UBC, July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2019, has been ratified by both parties. A copy of the Agreement will be posted to the UBCFA website as soon as it is finalized.
We’re now in the process of implementing the new Collective Agreement. At top of mind is probably the question as to when you will be receiving your retroactive adjustments. The University has advised us that retroactive salary increases for 2016-2017 will be paid by October 31, and that 2017-2018 retroactive pay should be issued no later than December 31.
If you have any other questions about the new Agreement, please contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (604-822-3883) and we’ll be happy to answer them – or any other questions you might have. Enjoy the start of the new term!
The FA Bargaining Team