Dear Colleagues,
The Faculty Association is preparing for contract negotiations on the next Collective Agreement. To that end, we have been conducting a survey as well as a number of consultations to help us identify key areas to pursue when we meet with the university at the bargaining table. We begin bargaining later this month.
On behalf of the UBCFA Status of Women Committee I am asking our women faculty members if there are any issues related to equity at our Okanagan campus that you would like us to address. I would like to invite your comments and ask that you send them directly to me (Margot Young – [email protected]) at your convenience, ideally by 12 noon, Monday, January 16.
Your participation in the lead up to negotiations is important to us and makes our Association strong and effective. We look forward to hearing your views.
Thank you,
Margot Young
Chair, UBCFA Status of Women Committee