Fourth Annual Contract Faculty Colloquium

Wednesday, March 14, 2018
10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Chilcotin Boardroom 256, I.K. Barber Learning Centre

Registration required (see below)

The UBC Faculty Association Contract Faculty Committee, in partnership with UBC Library, is pleased to invite you to the Fourth Annual UBC Contract Faculty Colloquium and Publication Display on Wednesday, March 14. This is our opportunity to share and learn about the innovative pedagogies and research interests of our Contract Faculty colleagues. Please come and join us for a day of exciting presentations!

The Agenda is available on the UBCFA website.

To register for this year’s Colloquium, please email the UBC Faculty Association at [email protected] by FRIDAY, MARCH 9. Registration is free. If you would also like to join us for a light lunch, please let us know when you email your request to register.

Stay current on Contract Faculty events – visit the UBCFA Contract Faculty Information and Events page.