In a previous email, I described the problem of having Faculty holding management positions representing the voices of rank-and-file Faculty on the Board of Governors. The Faculty Association’s interpretation of the University Act is that BoG representatives for faculty positions should represent non-management faculty voices. Under the Collective Agreement, Associate Deans are management and Heads are not. New language in the collective agreement supports this: “In addition, they (Heads) represent the views of their Departments to the Deans and the University at large.” In other words, there is a difference between non-management faculty voices and management faculty voices.
I urge you to vote in the Board of Governor’s election for a second individual to represent the voices of non-management faculty. Be sure to visit the University’s website sometime this week to cast your vote.
Nancy Langton, Ph.D.
President, UBC Faculty Association
112, 1924 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
ph 604.822.2651